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6 Digital Marketing Tactics to Drive Business Growth in a Competitive Environment

We are living in 2023, where business competition is high, profit margins are less, companies are laying off employees, and Banks are collapsing, Is there a great recession ahead? Even the most experienced person cannot answer this question.

In this competitive era, companies of all sizes must leverage digital marketing as in past 6-7 years we have witnessed that digital marketing has a transformative power that helps businesses achieve their goals.

In This article, we are going to discuss the most effective 6 digital marketing tactics that can drive business growth, even in the most competitive era.

1- Content Marketing – Along Term Investment

The process of content marketing is to produce high-quality content related to your business, this could be in form of Guest blogging, Press Release, Web page creations, Video production through social media, or any form of content marketing that help your audience engage with your content.
Content marketing is a long-term investment, and you need to keep patience as it can take time to provide results. Through content creation, your approach would be problem-solving instead of just promoting your services.

2- Search Engine Optimisation or SEO – A Must-have Strategy

Through SEO a business can increase its online visibility and attract potential customers. By optimizing your website content, metadata & backlinks profiles, you can increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine result pages. You can perform SEO either by hiring an SEO expert in your company or outsourcing it from professional suppliers. Normally SEO takes time to provide the results as initial days are consumed in fixing the technical issues with the website.

One can expect 4-5 months to start getting results from SEO work and it also depends on the keywords you are planning to promote through SEO. The more competitive your keywords are the more time they will take to rank.

3- Social Media Marketing – Building an Engaged Community

Social media platforms offer an unparalleled opportunity to connect with your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive website traffic. By creating and sharing valuable content that resonates with your audience, you can foster engagement and loyalty. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Twitter are a great platforms for business growth from social media, you can find that big brands are promoting their products and services through these social media platforms. So, this is something, you should not ignore when talking about digital marketing.

Try to make connections with your target audience, reply to their questions on your post, and Join groups in your niche, regular updates of your business can establish a channel between your business and your audience on social media.

It has been seen that Facebook or Instagram business pages that are updated regularly get high growth in terms of followers.

4- Email Marketing: A Personalized Approach

Despite the rise of social media, email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing tactics. By sending personalized and targeted emails to your subscribers, you can nurture leads, promote your products or services, and maintain strong customer relationships.

Lots of cloud email marketing solutions are there like “Mailchimp”, where you can upload your subscriber list and launch an email marketing campaign, they provide you with a variety of readymade email templates that you can easily edit and use for your service or product marketing.

Through email marketing cloud solutions, you can also see the post-campaign launch stats, Like email open rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe, click rate, etc, So you can revise your strategy for better performance in your next email marketing campaign.

5- Pay Per Click –  A Quick Way to Drive Traffic

Sometimes your business needs a quick push & you can’t wait to get the results from the time taken digital marketing solutions like those mentioned above – SEO & Content Marketing. Right? Here we have the perfect solution & which is Pay Per Click.

Pay-per-click is a paid marketing strategy where you pay each time when someone clicks on your ads, Google ads are the perfect example and platform to start PPC ads, as through Google ads one can launch a PPC campaign and run their business ads on Google search engine top positions.

However,  this is pay as you go strategy so if you pause or stop the campaign your leads/customers flow will also pause.
Google Ads and Bing ads are some platforms from where you can try PPC ads for your business.

6- Influencer Marketing – Leveraging the Power of Word-of-Mouth

This is something that is in high demand with the rise of YouTubers, and Instagram reel makers. Content creators are in high demand for advertising purposes as they usually have a large base of their subscribers.
Partnering with influencers in your industry can help you reach new audiences, increase brand credibility, and drive sales.

So your business needs a digital transformation in this competitive environment, But deciding what strategy of digital marketing your business need could be challenging. Here you need a business growth consultant that can guide your business to the right digital marketing approach by analyzing your current business conditions.

Not only digital marketing, but digital marketing consultants can help you in business training, making important decisions, raising funds, networking, and other challenging work.

Shobhit kumar
Shobhit kumar
Meet Shobhit, a passionate author with a knack for writing insightful articles about business, marketing, and technology. With years of experience in the field, Shobhit has developed a keen eye for identifying industry trends and analyzing the latest developments in these areas. He is deeply committed to helping businesses stay ahead of the curve by sharing his knowledge through his articles.


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