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Vpat Accessibility conformance report: A Complete Guide To How Do You Get Significant Benefits Adopting It?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act was undoubtedly a revolutionary amendment for accessibility in the United States. It is the onus of organizations to develop digital content duly compliant with VPAT accessibility. In doing so, they can help people with disabilities a great opportunity to access digital assets easily. 

Disabilities are not considered impediments, provided they can provide the opportunity they deserve in terms of seamlessly accessing digital content and other facilities. 

Accessibility has become a major concern because about 15% of the US population has certain disabilities. Taking all these factors together, VPAT Accessibility Conformance Report assumes significance.

What Is VPAT?

VPAT stands for Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, a document regarding product accessibility conformance to section 508 standards. It is nothing but an accessibility conformance report in terms of different information and communication technology products. 

Examples of these products are software, application, electronic websites, products, and documentation Product vendors published these documents. This document consists of the details regarding each facet of section 508 requirements. 

Further, the documents state that each product criterion is by accessibility. The ITI(Information Technology Industry Council) is responsible for officially hosting the Template of the VPAT document. Therefore, VPAT Accessibility is vital

What is VPAT Not Considered Regarding All? 

  • There is apprehension on the part of the organization to ponder that developing VPAT reports for a product might show the product in poor light. But, it is not the case. 
  • At this stage, it is vital to know that VPAT is not a black-and-white statement regarding product conformance. Instead, the report is based on the overall product level conformance. Therefore, Digital Accessibility Services assume considerable importance.
  • VPAT does not list all the issues. However, it is about providing an overview of the challenge and success that is found in the product.

What are the Benefits Accruing from Developing a VPAT?

VPAT is nothing but denotes product compliance with section 508 standards. It is vital in terms of both buyers and companies. Let’s see what benefits companies can get from VPAT. 

  • It augments the sales and, as a result, enhances the revenue
  • It is the guideline for companies to understand the accessibility challenge and product gap. Once known, it is helpful for companies working towards their products’ drawbacks.
  • VPAT is a yardstick to make the product accessible. Based on that, the organization’s employees work towards a common objective- developing an accessible product. 
  • Using VPAT Accessibility Conformance Report can allow the company to understand the accessibility gap of the product that needs improvement and strive to produce quality products constantly.
  • It greatly assists buyers in comparing the conformance of similar products. It selects a product that satisfies the best accessibility standards and the company’s legal and functional requirements. 
  • In case of confusion, buyers can pick an equally accessible product when a needed accessible product is not available immediately.
  • Permits organization to offer documentation and explanation on the product level conformance, and a drafted VPAT is nothing but a product conformance report 
  • It is an instance of an organization accessibility report. Moreover, another advantage of the VPAT report is that it states that the buyers regarding the organization are well aware of the accessibility challenge, and they are working in the direction of a product that is equally accessible to all. 

All these above probes to the benefit of VPAT regarding developing the truest reputation and increasing monetary gain. So, The VPAT Accessibility is thus justified.

How Do You Get Your VPAT Done? 

VPAT is developed by the internal team of an organization. However, it is better to hire Digital Accessibility Services. The advantage of outsourcing  service providers is that they can produce unbiased and accurate documents. 

You have to ensure that you develop a VPAT document for your organization. The format should be accessible like HTML, PDF, word, etc.


There is no doubt that you get incredible benefits to develop VPAT documents for IT products. Therefore, comply VPAT accessibility with your product and gains a substantial benefit  


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